Sunday, August 2, 2009

State Championship Game 3

Game three was against 0-2 NorthWest Bethlehem and Bridgeport didn't wast anytime, jumping on them in the first inning with 5 runs. After the 3rd inning the coach removed many of the starters to get the rest of the players additional playing time and they didn't miss a beat. Joe Bry pitched a complete game giving up only one run on a few scatered hits. Bridgeport.
Kyle went 0-1 with a line out to third.
With this win Bridgeport now has the first spot in the East and will go onto play the number two team in the West, Canton, at 1pm today (Monday). If all goes as planned they will then play at 7pm tonight for the State Championship.
Kyle will be starting game 1 today.

1 comment:

The Wolfies said...

Good Luck Kyle !!!!

Bob Wolfinger