Sunday, August 2, 2009

State Championshiop Game 2

Bridgeport's 2nd game was against Weston Park who had also one their first game of the tournament. Kyle was the starting pitcher but ran into some problems in the 1st inning. He walked the bases loaded but was able to strike the last batter out on 3 pitches to end the inning without letting up any runs. During the next two innings Kyle settled down and did not give up a hit while pitching 3 innings. Bridgeport scored 5 times in these same innings including an RBI single and run scored by Kyle. Brandon Kilpatrick came into pitch in the 4th and scattered a few hits and gave up 1 run to complete the game. Final score Bridgeport 5 and Weston Hill 1.

Kyle went 3 for 3 during the game with 3 singles.

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