Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sorry Connor for getting you on here so late!

Connor is very in to the scary halloween costumes now!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Parade at Kencrest!

All Cole's little friends looked so cute all decked out in their costumes!
This is Cole and his teacher "Miss Edie". Cole LOVES Miss Edie! She is all he ever talks about.

This is Cole in action during the classroom party!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kyle's 17th Birthday

Kyle turned 17 on Sept. 22nd. I can't believe it! Where did my baby go......

Sunday, September 20, 2009

EPDSC Buddy Walk 09

Well here is the crew....Thank you to all that came and donated on behalf of Cole and DS awareness!
Iron Pigs Stadium was beautiful and so was the weather

Connor loved that there was star wars guys and FREE CANDY!

Balloons were a big hit with all the kids.....

Brotherly Love Part 2

I guess now Cole thinks Connor's butt is more comfortable then his pillow!

Connor's team is still looking for a win!

Connor had two games this weekend. Team is improving but still need a win.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sean's First Birthday

Can you believe little man is 1!
He looks a little puzzled....this is good why didn't they give this to me before!
Tons of presents! Isn't he soooooo cute!
Cole had fun trying to break the piƱata....look at the tongue action....Gaffney trait!

Brotherly Love!

We took Cole bed apart as he was getting too big for the toddler bed and got my in-laws trundle bed for the boys. As you can see one bed would have been enough as they love to snuggle!

Connor's first soccer game

Unfortunately it did not end the way the Prussian had wanted it to but they had a good time!
Connor is taking a break!
Here is Connor in action if you look closely you can see his tongue working overtime!
Even Cole posed for a picture!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Kids are back to school....Yippee!

I am a slacker here as well no first day of school pics, riding the bus pics just my three handsome boys!
But just look how grown up they are...where is the time going!

Newest addition to the family!

"Disco" is his name! Connor picked him out and named him himself. This is more my speed much better then that jumpy dog!

Vacation '09

I am a total slacker I know lets go back a few months to the middle of July and our vacation in Wildwood fun was had by all!

Had Fun at the Beach!

Cole's big brother where so good to him at the waterpark.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Final 4 of the State Tournament

The boys first game on Monday was against Canton with the winner advancing to the finals later that evening. The Canton pitcher started out tuff retiring the Bridgeport team in order in the top of the first but was able to do the same to Canton in the bottom of the inning. Kyle had full control of his pitches today and was mixing them up well. In the 2nd and 3rd innings the Bridgeport team jumped all over Canton scoring 7 runs and continued the offense throughout the rest of the game while also playing good defense.

Bridgeport ended up 10 running Canton in the 6th 16-1.

Kyle pitched a complete game giving up 3 hits and no earned runs. He also had 2 infield singles going 2 for 2.

In the championship game Bridgport would take on St. Mary's who were located about 20 minutes away from the field. Hundreds of St. Mary's fans were at the field which made for a great atmosphere under the lights. Bridgeport took a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the 1st but St. Mary's bounced back to tie it in the top of the 2nd with a solo homerun to right center. St. Mary's pitcher was strong and helped silence Bridegports bats while St. Mary's tacked on 3 additional runs. Going into the bottom of the 6th Bridegport was down 4-1 and struggling to get base runners. Justine Cunnane worked a walk with one out which brought Kyle to the plate. On a 2-2 pitch Kyle drove a shot to right center for a double scoring the man from first and breathing life into the Bridgeport bench. The next batter, Mike Popowicz, continued the offense with another double down the right field line. At the end of the 6th the score was 4-3 St. Mary's. In the next inning Bridgeport had a few tough plays followed by some key St. Mary's hitting which led to 5 St. Mary's runs. Bridgport would lose the game 9-3.

The team was hart broken but handled it well. In all, a great run by the team and 2nd in the PA State Championship.

In the final game Kyle went 1-3 with an RBI double and a run scored. He just missed getting an infield hit on a bang bang play and in his other at bat sent one to the right center field which was caught by the center fielder against the fence.

In the tournament Kyle went 7-12 during the tournament with 6 singles and a double and went 1-0 pitching with a save and did not give up an earned run. (1 unearned)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

State Championship Game 3

Game three was against 0-2 NorthWest Bethlehem and Bridgeport didn't wast anytime, jumping on them in the first inning with 5 runs. After the 3rd inning the coach removed many of the starters to get the rest of the players additional playing time and they didn't miss a beat. Joe Bry pitched a complete game giving up only one run on a few scatered hits. Bridgeport.
Kyle went 0-1 with a line out to third.
With this win Bridgeport now has the first spot in the East and will go onto play the number two team in the West, Canton, at 1pm today (Monday). If all goes as planned they will then play at 7pm tonight for the State Championship.
Kyle will be starting game 1 today.

State Championshiop Game 2

Bridgeport's 2nd game was against Weston Park who had also one their first game of the tournament. Kyle was the starting pitcher but ran into some problems in the 1st inning. He walked the bases loaded but was able to strike the last batter out on 3 pitches to end the inning without letting up any runs. During the next two innings Kyle settled down and did not give up a hit while pitching 3 innings. Bridgeport scored 5 times in these same innings including an RBI single and run scored by Kyle. Brandon Kilpatrick came into pitch in the 4th and scattered a few hits and gave up 1 run to complete the game. Final score Bridgeport 5 and Weston Hill 1.

Kyle went 3 for 3 during the game with 3 singles.

State Tournament!!!!

Kyle's Bridgeport Little League Senior Team has gone on a tear in their tournament season as they were able to win the District 22 championship winning 6 straight.

The next weekend they entered the Section championship tournament and again went undefeated giving them the Section 8 championship and a trip to the state tournament in Emporium PA.

We are here at the tournament and the boys have continued their winning ways. In their first game against Newville the team was able to bounce back from a first inning injury to their starting right fielder Nick Vuotto when he collided with the first baseman while trying to leg out a hit. The first baseman jumped to catch the throw and landed on Nick's shin breaking his tibial and fibula. Ray Gambone pitched 6 innings of one hit, one run baseball and got a two run double by Mike Popowitz on their way to 10-2 victory.

The entire team and parents went to the hospital to visit Nick after the game. Nick will be having surgery on Monday at CHOP to have a rod placed in his leg.
Kyle came into pitch the last inning and walked two batters with nobody out. The coach, Mike Popowitz, then came out to talk to Kyle and asked him "Are you trying to make me crap my pants?" Kyle then settled down and finished the inning without giving up a run and striking the last kid looking with a nice curve ball.
Kyle played center field when he wasn't pitching and went 1-3 with a single.

Monday, July 13, 2009

American Legion Baseball

Check out this site to see article on Kyle pitching in playoff game against Presidential Caterers. Some nice pictures too!

Hershey park

We again went up to Hershey Park to attend Lockheed Martin's work picnic....

We all had a great time!

Rides, shows, food, and fun!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Connor's new summer do!

Connor got his hair cut......

Yes he went for the faux hawk!

What a stud!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Connor went to his first Phillies game with his Dad over the weekend compliments of his Uncle Jeff. Thanks Jeff!

Connor learned lots of things at the ball park. He learned numerous things about Garry Shefield and his mom. He also learned that every single one of the Mets players "suck" compliments of the nice young gentleman behind him drinking the yellow stuff. He also learned some new sign language from a young lady in the Phillies shirt and her Mets fan boyfriend. The lady then topped that off by smacking, what we could only assume was a bee, off the security guards face. The cops were so pleased for having the help that they took her away to give her her a nice award.
In other exiting events Connor ate his weight in food and had a good time playing the games at the ballpark. In all Connor had pizza, cotton candy, and a pint of ice cream.

...and he also got to see a baseball game.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cole's 4th Birthday

Cole got to celebrate his birthday at school with his friends having ice cream and cookies!

He got his favorite person, BARNEY, on his cake for his family celebration

Cole really had a great time turning 4!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Kyle was inducted into the Forgein Language Honor Society for Spanish

This is Kyle with his Spanish teacher, Mrs. Pam Satterfield. She has been great for him this year! Congrats Kyle! I am so proud.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Baseball is in full swing=:)

Wow look at that form!..........

..............Then look straight up in the air! For an infield (I use infield lightly 6 inches away from home plate) pop-up it was one of the best. You should have seen how high it got!