Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Parade

My cute little candy!

Poor Cole (aka Green M&M) missed the parade due to "Pink Eye"

Kyle soccer season

The Best Ball Boy in Town!
Hard to tell but that is Kyle on the ball
Look closely Kyle is doing his Al Bundy impression!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Homecoming- Pep Rally

Kyle and Moe taken by Mrs. Satterfield before pep rally. Don't they clean up nice.

Kyle and his escort Devyn

Kyle and Malik

Robbie, Pat, Moe, Kyle, Mike, and Jason

Homecoming Weekend- Powderpuff football game

Kyle and his Spanish teacher

Buddy Walk at Villanova Sunday Oct. 3rd

Cole had so much fun he was exhausted at the end of the day.

Connor got his shirt autographed by Chewbacca.

They had jump ropes and hula hoops which were alot of fun.

Can't believe Cole is that close to Elmo ! Fun was had by all.

Connor's first win! was last Saturday