Monday, January 25, 2010

What is Kyle up to?

Well Kyle is enjoying his life as a teenager! He has started his 4th month of Accutane and it has really made a difference. He is looking great. He will have to start beating the ladies off with a stick! He is still doing winter track and has started baseball warm ups with school. He attended two baseball camps: one at Temple and the other at St. Joe's which he enjoyed both a lot. Everyone is looking forward to a promising baseball session and the nice weather that comes along with it. Kyle also took his SATs this past Saturday so hope to see a good score. Kyle has yet to find (I use the word, find, lightly) a JOB so he still hasn't put his driving permit to use. OH to be 17!

Update on Cole!

Cole as always is such a happy, social, playful kid. He is doing great which I am glad to report as it was a rough month for him. He went back to school after the winter break with a new teacher, Miss Vicki, which seemed to effect him more then I thought it would. He really loved Miss Edie and was sad when he returned from school and he didn't get to see her. The director at his school unexpectedly passed away so it has been hard on everyone but that brought Miss Edie back to help out in the office so hopefully mid February doesn't mean a difficult time again for Cole to have to say goodbye. Cole's private speech therapist, Jen, left as well so I switched Cole closer to home at CHOP, KOP office to see Kristin who did a wonderful job with Connor when he needed help with his speech...I think a little too good of a job as Connor is full of stuff to say and a man beyond his years! I think Cole just hit a little speed bump in his journey but is ready to go full speed ahead again!

Connor is again on the court showing his moves!

Connor is 8!

Connor turned eight on Jan. 18th it is so exciting. He finally hit the age where a booster seat is no long required and he reminded me of that. He also thought it was about time he gave shaving a try, I think he watched Home Alone too much....OH to be eight again!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas was Fun!

Cole was excited....very excited to see his Yo Gabba Gabba friends. I think everyone was happy with everything Santa brought. So funny seeing Kyle opening gifts he seems so big but he is a good trooper and helped Cole open some of his.....Then he went back to bed! Oh the life of a teenager!