Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kyle's 17th Birthday

Kyle turned 17 on Sept. 22nd. I can't believe it! Where did my baby go......

Sunday, September 20, 2009

EPDSC Buddy Walk 09

Well here is the crew....Thank you to all that came and donated on behalf of Cole and DS awareness!
Iron Pigs Stadium was beautiful and so was the weather

Connor loved that there was star wars guys and FREE CANDY!

Balloons were a big hit with all the kids.....

Brotherly Love Part 2

I guess now Cole thinks Connor's butt is more comfortable then his pillow!

Connor's team is still looking for a win!

Connor had two games this weekend. Team is improving but still need a win.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sean's First Birthday

Can you believe little man is 1!
He looks a little puzzled....this is good why didn't they give this to me before!
Tons of presents! Isn't he soooooo cute!
Cole had fun trying to break the piƱata....look at the tongue action....Gaffney trait!

Brotherly Love!

We took Cole bed apart as he was getting too big for the toddler bed and got my in-laws trundle bed for the boys. As you can see one bed would have been enough as they love to snuggle!

Connor's first soccer game

Unfortunately it did not end the way the Prussian had wanted it to but they had a good time!
Connor is taking a break!
Here is Connor in action if you look closely you can see his tongue working overtime!
Even Cole posed for a picture!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Kids are back to school....Yippee!

I am a slacker here as well no first day of school pics, riding the bus pics just my three handsome boys!
But just look how grown up they are...where is the time going!

Newest addition to the family!

"Disco" is his name! Connor picked him out and named him himself. This is more my speed much better then that jumpy dog!

Vacation '09

I am a total slacker I know lets go back a few months to the middle of July and our vacation in Wildwood fun was had by all!

Had Fun at the Beach!

Cole's big brother where so good to him at the waterpark.