Monday, July 13, 2009

American Legion Baseball

Check out this site to see article on Kyle pitching in playoff game against Presidential Caterers. Some nice pictures too!

Hershey park

We again went up to Hershey Park to attend Lockheed Martin's work picnic....

We all had a great time!

Rides, shows, food, and fun!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Connor's new summer do!

Connor got his hair cut......

Yes he went for the faux hawk!

What a stud!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Connor went to his first Phillies game with his Dad over the weekend compliments of his Uncle Jeff. Thanks Jeff!

Connor learned lots of things at the ball park. He learned numerous things about Garry Shefield and his mom. He also learned that every single one of the Mets players "suck" compliments of the nice young gentleman behind him drinking the yellow stuff. He also learned some new sign language from a young lady in the Phillies shirt and her Mets fan boyfriend. The lady then topped that off by smacking, what we could only assume was a bee, off the security guards face. The cops were so pleased for having the help that they took her away to give her her a nice award.
In other exiting events Connor ate his weight in food and had a good time playing the games at the ballpark. In all Connor had pizza, cotton candy, and a pint of ice cream.

...and he also got to see a baseball game.