Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Parade at Kencrest!

First they had a little parade around the playground. Then they had a party back in their classroom . All the kids looked so adorable.

I will be posting more tomorrow of his big brother's parade and more Halloween pics...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Buddy Walk '08

Thank you to all who joined us and supported the buddy walk this year. It was a great day! Weather was great and the turn out was even better! Sorry I didn't get better pictures though.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Overnight in AC!

We took the kids to AC for an overnight this week. I wish I could say it was a exciting trip but when you have a 16 year old that tells you every 5 minutes that next time leave him home. A 6 year old that is so competitive that losing to his brother at mini golf ruined his whole day. But Cole was our excitement just seeing his face light up with the lights and being somewhere new. Unfortunately, to complete our trip I thought it would be nice for the kids to eat at the "Rainforest Cafe", but not for Cole! Everytime the thunder & lightning and animals came to life he would pucker his lips by the third time he was balling his eyes out. It did seem to make Connor forget about the mini golf loss for a while though. Next time Kyle will get his wish and we will be leaving the kids at home! (OK Den there I am waist up only for now!)