Thursday, June 19, 2008

Generation Farm

We went to Generation Farm today! It was a beautiful day. This is always a great field trip to take as the people who run the farm are the nicest people and make it so enjoyable. Cole still has not warmed up to the ponies but we still have hope. Connor seemed like an old pro.

For those of you who join in on our beer swap this is one of the places we donate the money!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cole 3rd Birthday!

Finally my last post for today....Cole turned 3 on June 7th we celebrated Friday with Pizza and ice cream cake. Yum..Yum.. We have decided to send Cole to Kencrest Rosemont for his preschool education. He will start on July 7th and receive all his therapies their in a setting with both typical developing and developmentally delayed peers. I can't believe my baby is going to school=:(


We had alot of fun!!

Connor pitching

The rookie league has started having the kids pitch. So Connor got a chance to pitch for the first time at his game on Bateman Day! Look at that form....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kyle pitching

Kyle had his 2nd Junior American Legion game tonight. Kyle pitched the entire game on the way to a 11-1 win. Kyle went 1 for 3 with a triple. Valley Forge is 2-0 for the season. Looking forward to a great season!