Sunday, April 27, 2008

Shake-it Cole!

Cole loves to dance and his new moves include the cutest hip shaking I have ever seen...this is just a little taste! Below he is just getting down...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Down Syndrome Playgroup

Cole attends a playgroup at MARC once a month and we were lucky that Randi (Cole's educator) came to play! Randi is the beautiful blonde sitting behind Cole. Below are some of Cole's friends:
and Brianna!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Connor's second game of the season

Connor had his second baseball game tonight against the knights. The whole team played well. Connor took a hit on his way to first base by the pitcher who wanted to make sure he knew he tagged him by pushing him to the dirt but Connor sucked it up and went in to finish the game as catcher even with the boo-boo on his elbow!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Signing Times!

A wonderful new friend has loaned Cole and our family the "Signing Time" DVDs and we have had a really fun time with them. Cole's favorite is the "Silly Pizza Song" so I included a video of Cole signing the song!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kyle first school game.

Freshmen Open With Win
The ninth grade baseball team beat Upper Dublin at Upper Dublin by a score of 9 to 3. Justin Cunane went the distance to earn the win. In 6 innings he had 11 strike outs, two walks and gave up only one earned run. Hitting safely for the Vikings were Mike Popowicz, Justin McGoldrick, Brandon Kilpatrick, Kyle Gaffney, Justin Cunane and Brian Desch. The boys' next game is this Thursday away. Good luck fellas!
Cunane- 2 for 3 (double, 3 RBI)
Desch- 1 for 3 (double, RBI)
Gaffney- 1 for 3 (single)
Kilpatrick- 2 for 3 (double, RBI)
McGoldrick- 1 for 2 (double)
Popowicz- 1 for 3 (double)
WP- Justin Cunane

Monday, April 7, 2008

Baseball Season is underway!

Kyle started his season at Bridgeport playing this Saturday and Sunday. They won both games this weekend so they are off to a great start 2-0. Kyle pitched on Saturday giving up a few runs, he was 1 for 2 with triple in the fourth inning. On Sunday you needed to be a true fan to bear that cold up on top of the hill. Kyle was 1 for 3 with a homerun and 2 RBIs.
Let's go Bridgeport!!!!!

Kyle starts his school season tomorrow against Upper Dublin...Good Luck UM!

P.S. Sorry it's an old picture but I forgot my camera.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Look how cute Cole looks in an outfit brought back from India from his Occupational Therapist, Sunny.
Unlike Connor he did not feel like getting his picture taken.