Monday, March 31, 2008

A Visit to Valley Green

Daddy took the boys down to the Creek on Saturday...

They had alot of fun...

Especially Connor getting to feed the ducks!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

America's next top model


We had a really nice Easter! Always love to see the very few times I can get my boys in some nice attire!

Spring Break

We took a mini vacation to visit Nana down in North Wildwood this week! Connor was disappointed that it didn't rocket into the 80's when we crossed the bridge, then was more disappointed that the rides were not up and running. Despite his early disappointment we had a really nice time going to the arcade and getting ice cream at "Scoops".

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Basketball Competition

Connor joined in the Junior Optimist Basketball Competition today. He didn't come in the top 3 but had fun and is looking forward to doing it again next year. He settled for the consolation prize of a water bottle and sweat rag! But isn't he just so cute.

Dan's 40th

Better late then never...Dan celebrated his 40th birthday on January 20th, I didn't get around to having a party for him till a month later but we still had fun! In this picture with Dan is his friend was nice to see faces we don't get to see that often.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Well the weekend has pasted!

The weekends just fly by! Connor found out this weekend that he will be playing on the "Bulls" for Upper Merion Baseball. Kyle continues to go to work outs for the Legion Baseball league. Cole is doing so well with his therapists...he can put puzzle pieces in by himself and in the correct place. He has been playing outside with Sunny on the swing and sliding board...I know he will enjoy the warm weather when it comes. Attached is a pic of our house on a typical weekend...Yes Cole knows all about video games but hasn't figured out that his guitar isn't plugged in!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Potty Time!!!

Cole is starting potty-training which so far so good 9:45 am and his pants are still dry! He loves sporting his big balloon style pants. What a fashion statement!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Connor's first day on the Bus!

It was a very exciting day today at the Gemmill/Gaffney household. Connor's walking route to school was determined "Hazardous". As a result Connor get to ride the bus to school and back and he is soooo excited! Today was his first ride and he had a wonderful trip and made it home safely. His Principal even took the bus ride home with him today to make sure all the new bus riders got off at their right stops!

A quote from Connor after he got home "The old guy went really fast and I didn't have a seat belt"

Monday, March 3, 2008

"I am on FIRE !!!!"

Well Connor ended his season as well on Saturday and went out with a bang. Scoring 20 points during the two mini games he played. Like most kids on his team he is a bit of a ball hog so trying to break him of this bad habit right from the start his parents yelled from the stands "Pass the ball" ...Connor's response...."Why?? I am on Fire"

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kyles last UM Basketball Game

Kyle had his last game on Friday and while he played well his team still lost by double digits. Kyle had 4 fouls mid way through the 2qtr and still managed to play in the game until finally fouling out with a couple minutes left on the clock. He finsihed the game with double digit points and a couple of three pointers. After the game Kyle recieved an award and trophy, from the UM Boosters, for the player with the most potential. Enjoy the video of Kyle hitting a 3 and then shortly after foulding out to end his UM Freshman Team season.