Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Upper Merion JV Basketball

Connor at the Devon Prep Christmas basketball tournement. Upper Merion finished at 0-2.
Kyle is #25 and in the following clip shows that while his shooting could use some work his passing is top notch...Just ask him.

Christmas 08

A quick shot from Christmas morning.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

All Connor wants for Christmas is his front tooth!

Well Connor lost his first tooth just in time for Christmas...he is going to look great for pictures.

UPDATE: Connor lost his second front tooth right before Christmas! Still cute as ever though!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Sorry I don't have a better picture the day just got away from me so this was taken at home after our dinner at Donna's and Cole was not feeling himself hence the watery eyes and runny nose but they did look very dashing in their outfits picked out by Connor himself....I am going to take these times and run since I know they will be short lived and Connor will be sporting old sweats telling me he looks fine.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cole's first day riding the bus!

Cole rode the bus to school today for the first time! He did great! I even drove to school to meet him to console him if he was really upset and the little bugger ignored me, walked right past me to the door. So without using words he told me "I am a big boy, Mom, you don't have to follow me to school"
Sorry for the hat in his face for the bus picture buy I didn't want to hold the driver up!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Nite!

Cole was not too sure of Connor, too scary...

Who's ready for some candy!

We went to visit our cousins Minnie and Mickey (aka Jaidyn and Jeffrey)...

Connor in action!

Parade at Caley

My little scarecrow....Had to tone it down for school so get ready to be scared with the next post of Halloween Nite!


Way to go Philadelphia Phillies!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Parade at Kencrest!

First they had a little parade around the playground. Then they had a party back in their classroom . All the kids looked so adorable.

I will be posting more tomorrow of his big brother's parade and more Halloween pics...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Buddy Walk '08

Thank you to all who joined us and supported the buddy walk this year. It was a great day! Weather was great and the turn out was even better! Sorry I didn't get better pictures though.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Overnight in AC!

We took the kids to AC for an overnight this week. I wish I could say it was a exciting trip but when you have a 16 year old that tells you every 5 minutes that next time leave him home. A 6 year old that is so competitive that losing to his brother at mini golf ruined his whole day. But Cole was our excitement just seeing his face light up with the lights and being somewhere new. Unfortunately, to complete our trip I thought it would be nice for the kids to eat at the "Rainforest Cafe", but not for Cole! Everytime the thunder & lightning and animals came to life he would pucker his lips by the third time he was balling his eyes out. It did seem to make Connor forget about the mini golf loss for a while though. Next time Kyle will get his wish and we will be leaving the kids at home! (OK Den there I am waist up only for now!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Saturday Morning Soccer

Connor (Beckman) Gemmill in action. Check out the video below for some real foot action.

Kyle turns 16! (Scary!)

We had everyone over to help celebrate Kyle turning 16 and then below we had our own little celebration with cupcakes on his birthday!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our second visit to Hersheypark this summer...and Kyle was there.

Connor once again was a great big brother and rode the kiddie rides even if he was trapped like a sardine in the seat.
This is Kyle and his friend Alex on the wave rider.

and of course we had to torture Cole with the splash zone again!
We didn't think Kyle and Alex were going to use Cole as a human shield but he was happy again in no time laughing at the other people getting soaked that we sat and watched as long as it wasn't him again he found it hysterical!

Annabella's Birthday Party!

This is a picture that Annabella sent with her thank you. Connor has know Annabella since nursery school and now they will be big first graders. My son, Connor, such the ladies man! How cute is this picture.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pennsylvania Junior American Legion State Championship

This is the newspaper clipping from Sunday's Time Herald. The tournament started yesterday and Kyle pitched in the first game against West Lawn unfortunately they did not take home the win but they did go on to defeat Shaler today with a 11-3 win. They will play Swoyersville tomorrow at 1pm so wish them luck!

Go Generals!

If you would like to read the article and see the picture in color go to:
Sunday, August 3, 2008 Sports section

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Vacation in Wildwood! We had a lot of fun!

...hanging out

...taking it easy

...getting buried in the sand

...visiting the waterpark

... cool raft rides

...riding the shells till we were dizzy

...making great strides going from rocking bench to up and down horse

...getting wet on the log flume

...yummy ice cream

...even got a new hairdo compliments of cousin Carly
...but best of all ...
spending it with family!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cole's first day at Kencrest!

Cole had a really good first day of school. He joined in the class right away and no tears when Mom left. He was very excited when I came to pick him up and wanted to show me everything on the playground.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Making a splash at Hershey Park!

Connor was the best big brother taking Cole on the kiddie rides.

We had alot of fun....It may not look it but so did Cole he laughed and clapped at the end of his wipe-out in the splash zone!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Generation Farm

We went to Generation Farm today! It was a beautiful day. This is always a great field trip to take as the people who run the farm are the nicest people and make it so enjoyable. Cole still has not warmed up to the ponies but we still have hope. Connor seemed like an old pro.

For those of you who join in on our beer swap this is one of the places we donate the money!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cole 3rd Birthday!

Finally my last post for today....Cole turned 3 on June 7th we celebrated Friday with Pizza and ice cream cake. Yum..Yum.. We have decided to send Cole to Kencrest Rosemont for his preschool education. He will start on July 7th and receive all his therapies their in a setting with both typical developing and developmentally delayed peers. I can't believe my baby is going to school=:(


We had alot of fun!!

Connor pitching

The rookie league has started having the kids pitch. So Connor got a chance to pitch for the first time at his game on Bateman Day! Look at that form....